

Resin properties include high strength, durability, chemical resistance, and customizable properties.


Resin and fiberglass supplies are used in the construction of buildings and infrastructure

Extra features

A Colour Change build in when adding hardener, ensures a perfect mix every time.
Fibreglass resin


High strength: Resin and fiberglass supplies create products that are incredibly strong and durable, making them ideal for industrial and commercial applications.
Fire resistant resin

Fire Resistant Resin

Fire-resistant resin is a type of resin that has been designed to withstand high temperatures and resist combustion.

Create durability with Tekguards advanced Fibreglass Resin

Resin and fiberglass supplies are an essential component of many industrial projects, thanks to their unique properties and versatility. Whether you’re working on a DIY project at home or a large-scale industrial application, resin and fiberglass supplies can provide the strength and durability you need to get the job done.

SilverSeel Resin

When we say Resin and fiberglass supplies we refer to a range of materials that are used in various industrial applications to create strong and durable products. These materials include:

  • Fire-Rated Resin design for roofing application should you need to go down the building control route.
Fibreglass Resin 5kg

Thousands of m2 Covered

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